Stay connected to see all the adventures Brad is on.

He will be broadcasting his experience while showcasing extreme survival and adventure products across the globe through Facebook, Instagram and his Blog.

  • Several brand names have become a part of each adventure. If you are interested in featuring your brand during Brad’s travels, fill out the form below.
  • If Brad is venturing in your local area and you are interested in joining him and his group of adventurers, consider this your Ticket to Ride
  • If you are interested in joining Brad Barker on The Ride of My Life via sponsorship, joining his group of adventurers or other opportunities, please click the "Contact Brad" button below.


Stay connected in one feed where you can view the latest videos, blog posts, merchandise and product reviews.

Stay tuned to view incredible photography and video clips of each adventure the group takes on.


The spectacular views and challenging paths that we take are more enjoyable when someone is riding beside you, sharing the experience. Become an Adventure Rider today.